What Is Written ..? | Bihar and Bihari People's

 How are you all readers..?

 Hope you are well and enjoying the stories a lot...! 

Today I bring you a funny, comedy story which is related to a person. Before that read my request. for which i will be grateful to you 🙏.


I am Erudite From India. I love meeting people and listening to their stories. I can tell you many stories, but I do not know how to write stories. That's why I can't reach you. I need a writer, who will help me to reach my stories to you..!


 Now coming to the story.  It's a matter of morning. 

Like every day today also I reached my tea stall. Some people always come there. Whose house is in this village, as usual after about an hour a person named Tulsi came and after drinking tea we were sitting together.Tulsi ji was making bald after drinking tea like every day. While drinking ganja, before finishing a boy came who talked to me with a glass of tea in his hand and after eye contact we started having a conversation. I started reading what was written on his t shirt 👕 instead of asking something else like recent news.And asked him ...! 

Which I realized a few days back. 

Which I was studying in a city-village of Bihar in this country of India, which is "Begusarai". Whose name was earlier "Begum-Sarai".Now there is "Begusarai". 

So I was studying or understand that in this 2023 everyone is using 5G 📱 Phone in their hands. Smart meters are being used. So, will there definitely be educated people here who can share any information..!"Any information worth reading"!!!📝So I asked a question about the sentence written on his t-shirt.

Question ⁉️ :- 

What is written on your t shirt 👕...✍️👕? 

आपके t shirt 👕 पर क्या लिखा है?

I get answer. :: Answer: You read it and tell me what is written...!

( He was illiterate and did not know how to read or write anything.)

I did not tell him what was written on his t-shirt. But he told me an incident.. which happened in his teenage years. Then he asked me to listen to one of his stories ? When he worked... This was about then. In "2003" when it is an oil company which comes in the top count of India. He used to work as a laborer in the same. Its just matter of one day,. The boy was watching a child writing "a sentence ".

 How those words are being written and it looks tight. He scanned it with both his eyes. Then he went to the market and brought a white t-shirt and on the back side of the t-shirt he wrote exactly as that child had written on his "copy". 

Now that boy started roaming around wearing that t-shirt, he used to go to work wearing it only. Those who were educated knew the meaning of that sentence. Now the sentence happened in such a way that people started asking. took pity on him  , Started consoling him.. Some people started laughing seeing him, and why not, he was getting 14-15 years old..He didn't understand, he didn't even pay attention.

 One day when he went to work, his boss saw him and asked him...!?

What is written on your t-shirt..?

His boss started laughing after asking this. He again gave the same answer. 

"Sir, only you will tell what is written..".

His boss laughingly said go and find out what is written. When he understood the whole thing, why people were looking at him, behaving like this and why were laughing...

That boy got upset and started looking for the boy who was writing on his notebook with his pen. After searching a lot he found that child and he asked that child what you had written on your copy. Here, who is the child upset and what did I write that he was asking.

The child asks..; Which sentence are you talking about, where was it written. Don't you know how to read? Tell me, I will read and tell.

Then that boy started going home to bring his t-shirt, then what happened, he took that child with him. That child's house was also in the same village.

The boy reached home and showed the artwork with those sentences on his t shirt 👕 .

The child saw it and read it to him. What the child had written on his notebook and the boy had written on his t-shirt the words Hu Ba Hu (exactly as the child had written with a little style). 

Both were looking at each other's face. The boy was worried to know and on the other hand, the child was surprised to read what was written and laughed too. Suddenly the boy spoke. "  what is written..?"

 The child says.. "Love is blind". Now the boy said, "Haven't eaten or drunk anything, broke the glass for twelve annas." Now the boy, knowing this, felt like embarrassment, and then sometimes he would laugh.This was the story of an illiterate, laborer, a boy settled on the border of city and village. 


This story has been proved by this boy that "Bihar" is a city made up of villages of only and only stupid people. Which is being insulted by giving state status by mistake... Illiterate, poor people are being looted by giving all the government schemes available here. “Education is very important here to run digital service, smart metering in Bihar smoothly.  Even today Bihar is not capable of making an efficient city. Going back almost 50 years. from neighboring states.


I hope you enjoy the story. 

thank you 🙏

See you soon with the next story..



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( New Delhi / Bihar)



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