Student's Life / Life's Cercal ( श्रृष्टि)

 आज सुबह की बात है..

कल पूरी रात बारिश हुई है । मैं घर से निकला तो देखा लकड़ी की पलंग भीग चुकी है. गलती मेरी है मुझे पहले ही सुरक्षित कर देना था. तो ये नौबत नहीं आती..!

सुबह की ताजी हवा के लिए रोज की जैसे निकला । देखा चौंकी भीगी है..

मैने उसे उठा कर बगल करना चाहा लेकिन वो" चौंकी टूट " गई. फिर भी जितना हुआ उतना कर दिया और घूमने निकल गया..

   लगभग सुबह के 8:38 के आस पास समय हो रही होगी .

घर दरवाजे पर हांथ में झाड़ू लिए घर की *मालकिन "दादी" * बैठी है. पोती सारा काम खत्म कर निकली ..

तभी मैं आया तो पूछा ; " दवाई और नाश्ता" ?

दादी : हां सब हो गया।

मैं: देखिए ये लकड़ी जी चारपाई चौकी टूट गई..! किसकी थी ये.? उनको जानकारी दे दी जाए. बनाने की बात बोलने पर. दादी: एक दिन की मजदूरी देना. मेरे पास पैसे नहीं हैं।

मैं: हां तो काम करेगा तो लेगा.. कुछ दिन और इस लकड़ी का उपयोग किसी और काम में ले आया जाए.. लकड़ी बोहुत महंगी भी तो है..! अखरी निशानी है क्वार्टर की.

दादी: फेको; अपना नही है.. ।

मैं : बहुत पूछने पर.

दादी : बेटे ने स्टूडेंट लाइफ में पढ़ने के लिए लिए थे. जब पढ़ाई खत्म हुई तो घर ले कर आ गया ।

मैं : तो खबर पहुंचा दी जाए की इसके मालिक को, फोटो और वीडियो के साथ .?


फिर इस ठंडी में जलावन के लिए छोर दी जाए.?

" अभी *" मैं बोल ही रहा था के दिमाग में एक बात "घूमी" 

और मैं फोन के कैमरे की बढ़ा और कैमरा ऑन कर एक फोटो और एक वीडियो निकल लिया..!

बात ये हो गई की .

जब मैं सुबह घूमने गया था ,तो कई सारी कहानियां बारिश को ले कर हो गई। वापसी में जब मैं सड़क पे पैदल चलता आ रहा था, तभी गौर किया। 

जैसे ये श्रृष्टि भी समय समय पर खुद को कपकपाती , लहलहाती , ताप्ती , नहाती, भीगती, सूखती और फिर जगमगाने लगती। 

ठीक वैसे ही हम इस धरती का और धरती हर एक चीज का उपयोग अपने कुशलता अनुसार सुख और दुःख भोगते हैं। 

जैसे कभी हम इंसानों को या जीव जंतुओं को अलग अलग तरीके से धरती के अलग अलग हिस्से में महसूस होता है. वैसी वाली खुशाली मिला करती है ।

ये बात मन के बहाव की है.. 

आज श्रृष्टि मंगल और चांद पर जाने को त्यार है लेकिन इस धरती। जिसे हम मां भी कहते हैं.

श्रृष्टि पर अपना घर छोड़ चांद के पास जाने को है..

आज भी इस धरती पर सब कुछ संभव है। अगर हम धरती पर अपने आने वाले कल को देखना चाहते हैं तो.. हम श्रृष्टि को चांद पर जाने से रोक सकते है..


इस डेढ़ सौ करोड़ लोगों के देश में क्या हर सप्ताह आप एक बार नई के यहां जरूर जाते होंगे। तो क्या साल में 12 दिन में 6 घंटे दे कर 1800 करोड़ पेड़ नही लगा सकते..?

क्या उस चौकी को बना कर उसका उपयोग नहीं कर सकते..?

क्या माता पिता के पास रह कर उनके जीवन के अच्छे बुरे समय में उनका साथ नहीं दे सकते .?


लाइफ ऑफ सर्कल

एक सम्पूर्ण जीवन च


The End



It's morning..

It rained all night yesterday. When I came out of the house, I saw that the wooden bed was wet. My fault, I should have secured it earlier. So this situation does not come..!

Went out for fresh air in the morning as usual. Looked shocked..

I wanted to pick her up and hug her, but she broke down. Still, I did as much as I could and went for a walk.

    The time would be around 8:38 in the morning.

The mistress of the house "Grandma" * is sitting at the door with a broom in her hand. Granddaughter finished all the work and came out.

That's why I came and asked; "Medicine and snacks"?

Grandma: Yes everything is done.

Me: Look, this wooden cot post is broken..! Whose was this? Information should be given to them. Speaking of making. Grandma: Give one day's wages. I don't have money.

Me: Yes, if it works then it will take.. for some more days this wood can be used for some other purpose.. wood is very expensive too..! The last sign is of the quarter.

Grandma: Feko; Not mine...

Me: On asking a lot.

Grandma: Son had taken it to study in student life. When the studies were over, he brought them home.

Me: So the news should be conveyed to its owner, with photos and videos.?


Then in this cold should be given an edge for firewood.?

"Now *" I was about to speak when one thing "whirled" in my mind.

And I went to the phone's camera and turned on the camera and took a photo and a video..!

The thing happened that

When I went for morning walk, many stories happened regarding the rain. When I was walking on the road while returning, I noticed it.

Just like this creation itself from time to time trembles, sways, heats up, bathes, gets wet, dries up and then starts shining.

In the same way, we use this earth and everything on earth according to our skill and experience happiness and sorrow.

Like sometimes we humans or animals feel in different ways in different parts of the earth. Such a person gets happiness.

Yes, here is the story; This outpost was built in student life by the skill of nature and man. When this outpost came home after the end of student life. Today it has been 30 years (which is now worth becoming 2 different tables. ).


         After the completion of studies, this outpost continued to bear the burden of the house. Its owner had abandoned it 20 years ago.

         Just like parents abandon their children after getting married..or the child abandons..!

           As from time to time, Shrishti takes care of its different parts in different ways.

The outpost has been away from its owner for 20 years.

Similarly, this mother who talks to her son. Today grandmother is ready to leave this outpost in the same way as the son has made his mother and father far away in another city for 20 years.

The life of the chowki is also exactly the same as that of a human being. Happens in whole life..!

A human being is born from his parents, then breaks ties with them and goes out to live his life with the blessings of the universe. All good and bad incidents happen in the whole life and a person leaves his parents behind and goes ahead and spends his whole life in performing the duty of his parents.

When this human being's own child end then moves forward with some other creation. Then this person remembers the words of his parents. Once upon a time he had also settled his parents in a far away country.

Today Shrishti is making every effort to maintain the harmony of nature by ensuring that everything depends on her. ,

        Like every parent takes care of their children.

The story is very short. The difference is, it is related to everyone.

Whether it is about the post or about your life or about a creation...

The circle is the same.

Everyone moves in their own way, everyone has a time limit.

This story may be of Singh ji of your neighborhood or of some Dom..!

Be it of a Muslim or a Christian..!

Be it inanimate or living..!

It is a matter of flow of mind.

Today Shrishti is ready to go to Mars and Moon but on this earth. Whom we also call mother.

Shrishti is about to leave her home and go to the moon.

Even today everything is possible on this earth. If we want to see our future on earth then..we can stop Shrishti from going to moon..!


In this country of 150 crore people, would you definitely go to Nai's place once every week? So can't we plant 1800 crore trees by giving 6 hours in 12 days in a year..?

Can't you make that post and use it..?

Can't you stay with your pare

nts and support them in good and bad times of their life?


circle of life

A complete life cycle..!

The End




इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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